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Aménagement paysager d'un lac artificiel Estrie Cantons-de-l'Est

A waterfront house or cottage makes you dream? Why not add an artificial lake on your property?

Who hasn't dreamed of a house by the water? If your property does not overlook a body of water, why not landscape a lake? With Paysage SR, this project is very feasible! The development of an artificial lake requires excellent planning in all aspects: conceptual, technical and environmental. You must be informed of the standards and regulations. When developing a lake or body of water, we take into account the layout of the land, the type of soil, the water supply, the shape of the body of water, the depths, the slopes and water level controls, necessary permits, addition of vegetation and the maintenance. Paysages SR is experienced in the field and has realized many projects in the scope of lakes, ponds and water bodies.

Our quality work and our advices for care and maintenance will assure you full satisfaction.

We can even decorate your lake with an upstream creek and a waterfall that flows into your lake. Voir la section See the Basin and waterfall section >


1- Excavation

Excavation lac artificiel Cantons-de-l'Est

2- Bottoms of sand

Aménagement fond de sable lac artificiel

3- Lay down of geotextile sheets

Pose des toiles fond lac artificiel Cantons-de-l'Est

4- Filling of the landscape

Mise en place des garnitures lac artificiel

5-Natural stone wall construction to accommodate the waterfall

Aménagement muret de roches lac artificiel

6- Conception of the waterfall

Plongeon naturel chute d'eau et paysagement résidentiel

Once the lake is filled with water

Berge lac artificiel

Close-up view of the waterfall - Plantations of plants

Chute d'eau lac artificiel

7- Laying the sod  

Pose de tourbe autour du lac artificiel par Paysage SR
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